Adaptive cycling at Magnuson Park – this Sunday June 2!

We have a special event coming up this Sunday. Hope you can join us!!

Ready for some adaptive cycling with the gang? We look forward to cycle adventures here at Outdoors For All on June 2.

We will meet at Outdoors For All. They have a big range of bikes suited to all kinds of mobility needs, for adults and children. They will work with each of us to find a cycle that works. They also have standard 2-wheel bicycles for those that would like. Your loved ones are welcome to join.

Each participant will be required to sign their liability waiver prior to trying out these bicycles. If you can’t sign in advance, it’s ok…we’ll have some paper copies at the event.

Thank you and see you Sunday!

PartnerYASS – Young Adult Stroke Survivors
DateSunday, June 2
Time11:00 – 2:00
LocationOutdoors for All Foundation
6344 NE 74th St Suite 102
Seattle WA 98115
Directions & Map
OFA-provided gearAdaptive cycles and helmets
Liability Forms
[Check out the flyer]

Schedule: Sunday – the schedule below provides a basic outline and may adjust accordingly.

11:00YASS arrives; introductions; safety review; helmets + bike fitting
11:30Cycling along bike path
12:30Snack break
1:00Cycling continued
1:30Last cycle out
2:00Goodbyes, load, debrief, depart


  • YASS members will have the opportunity to participate in adaptive cycling with Outdoors For All at Magnuson Park.
  • All participants (including adults) must meet Outdoors for All’s Essential Eligibility Criteria, wear appropriate protective gear, and sign a liability waiver for Outdoors for All.
  • If a participant needs one-on-one support (with ADLs or other activity, etc.), YASS will provide support with staff or volunteers.
  • All riders should dress for the activity and bring any food/water that they may need to participate.






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